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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/25/2015
Greenfield Conservation Commission

February 25, 2015
Carol Irvin, Karen Day, Carl Inglestrom, Neal Brown, and Janet Lutkus
The meeting was called to order at 7:37 pm.  

Carol made the following announcements:
Diane Boilard has resigned from the Conservation Commission.
New England Forest Products sent a letter to offer services to the Conservation Commission but the Commission is already covered for these services. The town of Greenfield will thank New England Forest Products but decline services.

The following items were discussed by the Commission:
Carl Inglestrom asked if the Conservation Commission was interested in conserving the Batchelder parcel as an open space. This parcel is Lot 12 on the map, is approximately 94 acres, and borders the river. The owner of this parcel lives in Connecticut.

Carol replied that although the frontage on the pond and this parcel’s linkage to other parcels already in conservation make it of interest, the Conservation Commission is not equipped to pursue landowners who have not first approached the Commission. The Commission’s philosophy is to wait to be approached by landowner. Note: At one time Ray Cilley pursued this issue but as of today has not reported any findings to the Commission.

Follow-up on Phragmites cleanup on Sunset Lake – Karen’s feedback after speaking with the Board.
  • Karen has not spoken to Board of Selectmen yet.
  • Neal reported that the process for permitting is going forward.
  • Action Items
  • Karen – Ask the board how to make the check for the town’s contribution of $500 out.  Recommend that check be written directly to vendor who will be performing treatment.
Karen – Notify the board of treatment to lake and request that the lake is shut down for the day of treatment.

George Proctor Forest Management plan – Carol’s feedback after communicating with Karla through email.
  • Karla reported that no clearcutting is planned; only thinning is planned.
  • Karla stated that the members of the Commission are more than welcome to plan a walk-through with her to view the planned locations for the landings.
  • Karla is agreeable to modifying the plan if the Commission wants to decrease the currently allotted acre for parking.
  • Karla is willing to join Carol when she appears before the board in April to discuss the stewardship for the George Proctor Recreation area.  
  • Action Item
  • Carol plans to approach the board in April regarding the stewardship for the George Proctor Recreation area.
Planning for Roadside Roundup scheduled for April 25th – The Commission engaged in brainstorming regarding this event.  The following suggestions were discussed:
  • Offer a program immediately following dinner to engage people. An example might be the program previously done on raptors.
  • Need to engage kids in the roadside cleanup. Need ways to reward system for kid’s cleanup to get them more engaged.
  • Rewards – Gift certificates from Kimball’s Ice Cream?  iTunes gift certificates?
  • Would “Roadside Ranger” buttons provide incentive for kids? Karen has button maker.
  • Ribbons and money for prizes?
  • Locate Trash receptacle/dumpster at meeting house where meal is served?
  • Decision: Send mailers out with 1 bag.  
  • Reserve room at Stephenson Library for Thursday 4/16 to prepare mailers for mailing. Mailers to be mailed on 4/20. Neal to ask Givers to help with mailers on 4/16.
  • Decision: No raffle to be held this year.
  • Award prizes for most bags collected by age group after the dinner.  Cash awards for Children: $25 for first prize, $20 for second prize, and $15 for third prize.  One adult prize for $25.
  • Discontinue the event for this year and see if there is any fall-out.
  • Alternate holding event from year to year.  One year hold Roadside Round-up, and the next year hold another event.
  • Handle the event completely through the Recycling Center.  Banner at Recycling Center to advertise in advance.  Give bags out at the Recycling Center and collect trash there.
  • Put out a Greenfield Happenings blog and a notice through Aaron’s mailing list that requests input on canceling the Roadside Cleanup for this year.
  • Action Items
  • Carol to take town’s pulse via Greenfield Happenings blog and Aaron’s mailing list to see reaction if Commission decides not to hold Roadside Cleanup this year. Based on the response, Carol will decide within next month whether or not to hold Roadside Cleanup.
If Roadside Cleanup to be held, Commission members to continue to brainstorm via email and at next month’s meeting regarding awards.  
  • If Roadside Cleanup to be held, Neal to reserve conference room in Stephenson library on April 16th for preparing mailers.
  • If Roadside Cleanup to be held, Neal to ask the Givers to help prepare mailers on April 16th in the library.
If Roadside Cleanup to be held, Neal to reserve the meeting house for April 25.
  • If Roadside Cleanup to be held, Karen to order the same number of bags as were used last year.

The meeting officially adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Lutkus to Carol Irvin for approval, corrections, and distribution.